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98 lines (63 loc) · 4.12 KB


Converts QWORD values containing date & time information to a formatted date & time string as specified by the DateFormat parameter.

DTQwordDateTimeToDateTimeString PROTO qwDate:QWORD, qwTime:QWORD, lpszDateTimeString:QWORD, DateFormat:QWORD


  • qwDate - QWORD value containing Date information to convert to the date & time string

The format for the value containing the date information is as follows:

date QWORD Register Bits:

| DWORD                                            | WORD                   | BYTE       | BYTE      |
| Bits 63-32                                       | Bits 31-16             | Bits 15-8  | Bits 7-0  |
| Not used - Not applicable                        | Century Year           | Month      | Day       |
| N/A                                              | CCCCYY                 | MM         | DD        |
  • qwTime - QWORD value containing Time information to convert to the date & time string

The format for the value containing the time information is as follows:

time QWORD Register Bits:

| DWORD                                            | BYTE       | BYTE       | BYTE      | BYTE      |
| Bits 63-32                                       | Bits 31-23 | Bits 23-16 | Bits 15-8 | Bits 7-0  |
| Not used - Not applicable                        | Hour       | Minute     | Second    | Millisec  |
| N/A                                              | HH         | MM         | SS        | MS        |
  • lpszDateTimeString - Pointer to a buffer to store the date & time string. The format of the date & time string is determined by the DateFormat parameter.
  • DateFormat - Value indicating the date & time format to return in the buffer pointed to by lpszDateTimeString parameter. The parameter can contain one of the following constants as listed in the :ref:`DateTime Formats<DateTime Formats>` page and as defined in the include file.


No return value



DateTimeStringValue db DATETIME_STRING dup (0) ; buffer to store date and time as string
DateValue dq 0
TimeValue dq 0

xor rax, rax
mov rax, 1974 ; save year
shl rax, 16 ; move it into upper word of rax
mov ah, 03 ; save month
mov al, 15 ; save day
mov DateValue, rax
xor rax, rax
mov ah, 12 ; save hours
mov al, 34 ; save minutes
shl rax, 16 ; move it into upper word of rax
mov ah, 01 ; save seconds
mov al, 0 ; save milliseconds
mov TimeValue, rax

Invoke DTQwordDateTimeToDateTimeString, DateValue, TimeValue, Addr DateTimeStringValue, CCYYMMDDHHMMSS
; DateTimeStringValue will now contain "1974/03/15 12:36:01"

See Also

:ref:`DTDateTimeStringToQwordDateTime<DTDateTimeStringToQwordDateTime_x64>`, :ref:`DateTime Formats<DateTime Formats>`, :ref:`DTGetDateTime<DTGetDateTime_x64>`